One factor is Americans suffer more violent deaths, but the bigger reason is government intervention in our healthcare. Healthcare providers can’t make money off healthy people, but they make tons of money off sick people, so government perverts our healthcare system to keep people sick. The maze of federal, state and local regulations dwarf the regulations of other countries. The expense of FDA requirements makes it impossible for small companies to compete against Big Ag, Big Pharma and Big Medicine, by design. As a result, chronic illness in the US is, well, chronic. Our government-controlled healthcare system is just another looting program which makes Americans less healthy.
Dr. Terry Wahls learned this firsthand when multiple sclerosis (MS) crippled her. The Daily Beast documents, “By conventional standards, Dr. Wahls received great medical care. She had sympathetic doctors who prescribed cutting-edge drugs. Those drugs cost around $5,000 a week but are only marginally effective.”
Despite her supposedly excellent care, Dr. Wahls continued to get worse until she realized the truth about our healthcare system. “‘We’re not telling patients the truth—that medicines won’t make you well,’ Dr. Wahls says. Patients with multiple medical problems who have found themselves standing in the kitchen choking down pill after pill probably have an idea of what she is talking about. ‘Life is self-correcting chemistry,’ says Dr. Wahls. ‘If we fix the nutrition, this is the real way to address the root cause of most disease.’”
Ironically, Wahls cured herself by rejecting the healthcare system government trained her to practice. “So Dr. Wahls developed a diet that would provide the building blocks her broken cells needed. It’s a modified Paleo diet that entails eating 9 cups of vegetables a day—with plenty of meats, fish, organ meats, nuts, seeds, berries and adequate quantities of good fats—and it provides far more than the RDA [Recommended Daily Allowance] for the 31 key nutrients for the brain. With that diet and physical therapy, she soon began to improve. And after six months, she was able to ride her bike—something she hadn’t been able to do for a decade.”
Eating, taking supplements, and exercising as our bodies evolved to do prevents and cures disease, not government drugs. But there’s much more money to be made treating MS, diabetes, asthma, cancer etc. than there is in preventing or curing them. Our healthcare system is designed to mask symptoms and keep people sick. This is why Wahls calls our system a sick care system. It’s why diabetes in children is skyrocketing. Our government-planned economy doesn't export much, but it exports diabetes alongside the Standard American Diet (SAD).
A recent study discovered “Vampire therapy” could reverse aging. The Telegraph reports, “Now scientists have found that young blood actually ‘recharges’ the brain, forms new blood vessels and improves memory and learning. In parallel research, scientists at Harvard University also discovered that a ‘youth protein’ which circulates in the blood is responsible for keeping the brain and muscles young and strong.” Once again, government scientists rediscover something our ancestors always knew. The more government takes over our lives, the more backward we become.
Dr. Bill Sardi points to too much iron in the blood as a common cause of many chronic diseases associated with aging. He documents nearly 50 studies to back up his claim that the ancient practice of bloodletting could make people healthier and live longer. Sardi comments, “This medical procedure is not likely to ever achieve FDA approval for each and every one of the broad categories of human disease mentioned above. But it is safer than any FDA-approved drug or treatment, far safer than aspirin.” In fact, modern bloodletting is celebrated in the form of donating blood, which Sardi recommends, although the establishment doesn’t acknowledge the health benefits to the donor.
Sardi writes, “In reality the U.S. has the most technically advanced disease-care system in the world. It is not committed towards promoting health but rather to delivery of repeated treatment to allay symptoms rather than address underlying causes of disease. While the life expectancy in some backward nations exceeds that of the United States, it never dawns upon the public that they are being gamed to ensure Big Pharma and Big Doctor has a steady flow of patients to treat.”