Watermelons No More
Eco-socialists come out of the closet
By Mark Luedtke
Dayton’s Conspiracy Theorist
If you needed more evidence socialism is suddenly all the rage in political circles, take a look at the greens.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, disgraced socialists raced to find a hiding place. They infiltrated and took over the environmental movement, pretending they were green, not red. That’s how they got the nickname watermelons.
But you don’t have to take my word for it. In his book “Confessions of a Greenpeace Dropout,” Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore explains, “The Cold War was over and the peace movement was largely disbanded. The peace movement had been mainly Western-based and anti-American in its leanings. Many of its members moved into the environmental movement, bringing with them their neo-Marxist, far-left agendas. To a considerable extent the environmental movement was hijacked by political and social activists who learned to use green language to cloak agendas that had more to do with anti-capitalism and anti-globalization than with science or ecology.”
With the surge in support for socialism, these socialists no longer need to hide their true identity. They’ve rebranded their movement eco-socialism. Wikipedia informs, “Eco-socialists advocate dismantling capitalism, focusing on common ownership of the means of production by freely associated producers, and restoring the commons.”
In other words, they plan to steal our property and manage it themselves. Mass stealing is an ideology of violence, and that’s why the eco-socialist movement tends to be violent.
This information also explains why the great anthropomorphic global warming fraud never dies. If socialists can fool enough people into believing manmade CO2 will cause catastrophic global warming, they might succeed at stealing everything.
There’s only one problem: they’re not fooling many people anymore. That’s because the climate keeps contradicting them.
I get a good laugh every time it snows because some fraud once claimed global warming meant the end of snow. But the frauds have doubled down on that prediction. The Arizona Daily Sun EarthTalk column says of skiing, “Our recent modeling suggests that under a high emissions scenario, skiing could be very limited to non-existent in parts of the country by the end of this century, particularly in lower elevations — such as the northeast, Midwest and lower mountains around the West.”
At least they’ve learned to push their predictions out 80 years so we can’t laugh directly in their faces when they’re proved wrong.
A recent study debunked the misinformation regarding sea level rise. Wattsupwiththat.com reports, “Assessing data from a range of sources and previous studies, the team concluded that the movement of the earth – referred to as vertical land motion – is the dominant force behind variations in rates of sea level rise up and down the East Coast, the team reports today in the journal Nature.”
Sea level change is so slow, the land elevates and sinks faster.
To boost theft, the UN recently claimed we only have until 2030 to save the planet. Every time one of these predictions fail, they push the date out.
The costs of green, sorry, eco-socialist, policies, also play a role. The Daily Mail reports, “But using 'eco' settings on washing machines could do us more harm than good – by helping to spread diseases. The NHS [Britain’s National Health Service] recommends a 60C (140F) setting to kill bacteria when washing underwear, towels and linens. However, most machines have an energy-saving setting which operates at just 30C (86F).”
This highlights the decivilizing effect of socialism. Socialism always produces poverty and disease, but today’s hip, young socialists have no clue because they’ve been mis-educated in socialist schools.
Then there’s the problem of disposing of solar panel waste and wind turbines. And the brownouts and rolling blackouts Australians have suffered through.
Fortunately for us The Daily Caller notes, “Despite increasingly apocalyptic warnings from U.N. officials, 2018 has seen a number of high-profile defeats for policies aimed at fighting global warming. Politicians and voters pushed back at attempts to raise energy prices as part of the climate crusade.”
Resistance in Australia, France, Canada, and the US has stymied the frauds.
The yellow vest protests, which started as a revolt against a carbon tax, have spread across Europe and into Canada and Australia. Hard-working people are tired of having their money stolen by greedy socialist rulers - redundant, I know - and are pushing back. Unfortunately, things will get much worse before they get better.
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