Now It’s Trump’s Turn
Desperate rulers will do anything to save themselves
By Mark Luedtke
Dayton’s Conspiracy Theorist
Our lives just got more dangerous. You probably heard about that kerfuffle in Washington called the Mueller investigation. Reportedly it was supposed to expose collusion between President Trump and the Russians to get Trump elected. It didn’t. It was supposed to end with Trump either in handcuffs or at least impeached. It failed.
As expected. Congress, the Justice Department, the FBI, and their media propagandists knew all along no collusion occurred. The FBI had the recordings. Two years of propaganda, hysteria, and slander was false. Trump called the investigation a witch hunt. It wasn’t. It was a hoax as so many pointed out from the beginning. It succeeded only in dividing the country and preventing rapport with Russia, which were its real goals.
Many people wondered why Trump put up with the investigation so long. The answer seems clear now. Since he had nothing to fear, allowing the investigation to complete discredited his accusers, critics, and opposition while boosting him. Furthermore, he avoided accusations of obstruction.
And now he gets his turn at bat, and his enemies are running scared. The Washington Times reports former CIA director John Brennan who claimed to have seen evidence of collusion now claims, “I don't know if I received bad information.”
This hoax started with Hillary Clinton’s campaign colluding with British and Russian intelligence agents to produce bogus opposition research against Trump. Clinton’s campaign originally paid for the research. Then the FBI joined the conspiracy but stopped short of paying for it too.
Unlike the accusations against Trump, this has been proven with documentation and testimony. Top bureaucrats at the Department of Justice and the FBI were in on it. Several of them texted about their conspiracy the prevent Trump from being elected, and after he was, neutering him. Former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe admitted conspiring with other top national security bureaucrats to remove Trump from office using his cabinet officials.
Along with top Democrats in Congress, all of these people are now targets. Especially Clinton. Trump’s allies have already demanded the resignation of House Intelligence Chairman Democrat Adam Schiff for misleading the public about collusion.
But it’s the bureaucrats who have most to fear. If they can launch an evidence-free investigation of Trump, he can do the same to them. Trump is often described as a counter-puncher. I predict his revenge will be impressive.
You might think the self-proclaimed smartest people in country would have protected themselves from such revenge. If so, you underestimate the corrupting influence of the power of coercion.
For example, Reason reports, Trump critic and former attorney for Stormy Daniels was just busted for trying to extort Nike. “As recently as five months ago, Avenatti was a frequent fixture on cable news and prolific anti-Trump pundit. He was viewed as a potential Democratic presidential candidate until he declared in December that he wouldn't run. Now he could be headed to prison….
“Representatives for Nike immediately contacted the authorities, who then recorded Avenatti's subsequent phone calls with the company, in which he foolishly restated his demands over and over again.”
One down. Avenatti was so brazen because these people believe they are above the law. For their entire careers they have been.
This is more true of the bigwigs at the DoJ and FBI. They wielded the law as a weapon against their enemies, but believed it could never be used against them. That’s about to change. When they start getting indicted, they’ll turn on each other like a viper’s nest.
But deep staters won’t do nothing and allow themselves to prosecuted and jailed. That’s why life got more dangerous for us. These are the most successful, evil people in the country, and they will do anything to protect themselves, including kill Americans en mass.
Don’t be surprised when, once the indictments become imminent, the US suffers a major false flag terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11. It will take something that major to redirect US Attorneys from carrying out Trump’s revenge.
Furthermore, with the economy spiralling into another crash, rulers need an excuse for the crash so they can pretend they didn’t orchestrate it by having the Federal Reserve print trillions of dollars to corrupt our economy. Similar to 9/11, the subsequent crash will be blamed on the false flag attack.
US rulers have so much corruption and evil to cover up, so much that is becoming public as layers of corruption are peeled back like an onion, only a devastating attack could cover it up and reestablish their weakening grip on power. At least temporarily.
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